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New Quick Start Guide is available!
Maybe you heard about Sunday Assembly on NPR in the USA recently? Perhaps you’ve been tuned into us for a while and wondering what to do? Or perhaps you used to be involved in a Sunday Assembly chapter, miss it and would like to get involved again? Whatever your situation, our new Quick Start guide (link) is for you.
Until now we’ve been sharing a detailed and comprehensive start-up document (link) which envisages setting up a fairly substantial non-profit in a way which will last for decades. Well, goess what? While you CAN do it that way, we’ve also figured out that’s a big ask. So we’ve come up with lots of small ways in which you and maybe a few friends can get something started in your city, town or area that will start to bring you and your community the idea and experience of Sunday Assembly much more quickly.
Our new Quick Start guide sets out a few key facts about Sunday Assembly and how it works. If you’re good with that, then there are some ways to start something going that you can put into practice in weeks or even days. You’ll start to feel the buzz, the connection and the inspiration of Live Better, Help Often and Wonder More, which will help you engage with others, expand and develop what you’re doing and get you joining in with the international world of Sunday Assembly.
Go to the Quick Start guide here.